www.mater.org.au Review:


Mater Hospitals and Health Services (mater.org.au) - Mater Health Services is a not-for-profit provider of health services which operates seven hospitals, a medical research institute, pathology and pharmacy businesses in South East Queensland.

  • http://www.mater.org.au/Home/Contact Contact (mater.org.au) - Contact details for Mater Hospitals, Services, and Departments. Suggestions for improvement, compliments, and complaints.
  • http://www.mater.org.au/Home/Hospitals Hospitals (mater.org.au) - Continuing to provide compassionate healthcare in response to changing community needs, Mater Health Services now includes three public and four private collocated hospitals caring, for more than half a million patients each year.
  • http://www.mater.org.au/Home/Support Support (mater.org.au) - As Mater continues with its mission to provide the best of health care to an increasing number of patients it is reliant on goodwill to provide services. Consequently, we seek to develop partnerships with the community to secure our future.
  • http://www.mater.org.au/Home/News News and social media (mater.org.au) - Through a network of healthcare resources featuring seven hospitals, more than 6,000 staff and a commitment to excellence, Mater Health Services, Brisbane provides care for some half-a-million people each year.
  • http://www.mater.org.au/Home/About About (mater.org.au) - Mater's mission, vision, and values; History; the Sisters of Mercy; and our photo gallery.
  • http://www.mater.org.au/Home/Hospitals/Mater-Private-Hospital-Brisbane Mater Private Hospital Brisbane (mater.org.au) - The largest of Mater Health Services' private facilities, Mater Private Hospital is a flagship for the level of care and facilities our organisation strives to provide.
  • http://www.mater.org.au/Home/Hospitals/Mater-Private-Hospital-Redland Mater Private Hospital Redland (mater.org.au) - Mater Private Hospital Redland features a 3 level main hospital building incorporating patient wards, operating theatres, day procedure unit, chapel, kitchens, reception area and utility rooms. It is combined with a single-level building housing a specialist medical centre, radiology and pathology services.
  • http://www.mater.org.au/Home/For-Patients-and-Visitors.aspx#visiting For patients and visitors (mater.org.au) - Information for patients and visitors. Location information including maps, public transport information and services offered.
  • http://www.mater.org.au/Home/News-and-social-media/Mater-Blog/September-2016/Preventing-infection-to-save-lives Preventing infection to save lives (mater.org.au) - With more than one hundred years of history, Mater Health Services is very fortunate to boast among its staff and supporters many talented, interesting and exceptional people. This blog exists to help us share our expertise and insights with our community, and to take on board the feedback, advice and wisdom of the people we serve.
  • http://www.mater.org.au/Home/About/Mission-Vision-and-Values Mission, Vision and Values (mater.org.au) - In the spirit of the Sisters of Mercy, Mater Hospitals offer compassionate service to the sick and needy, promote an holistic approach to healthcare in response to changing community needs and foster high standards in health-related education and research.

    Country:, Oceania, AU

    City: 151.4167 New South Wales, Australia

  • Amazon Customer - The Wall

    I waited and bought the cassette tape many, many years ago. I didn't even get to listen to it because my then early teenage son ruined it. I decided that I had waited long enough and bought the CD. My son is now 40, but I'm not going to tell him that I repurchased it!

  • Buddy - This cooler is really just a bag and not a cooler

    I purchased this cooler as a space saver to keep under the helm of my boat. I loaded it with adult beverage cans and ice in the morning. By 6pm all the ice was melted. I was blown away that it this bag is not a cooler at all. It may be good to take to the beach for a few hours or put ice packs and some sandwiches. I have no use for it. Such a shame how it advirtises 2 day ice life.

  • Emily - these lights create a very good ambiance at my garden.

    I love this solar garden lights for the small garden at my home and i m happy with the brightness and performance of these lights. Also made with Nice stainless steel. The brightness is pretty good But not Too Bright and it lasts or around many hours than what i m expected. The light gets switched on automatically soon after the sunset. These lights are easy to install and does not require any maintenance. These lights got wet in the rain on the first day I installed but the lights are still functioning. these lights create a very good ambiance at my garden.


    Avast is like a worm inside your computer that's hard to get rid of. What don't I like?? Constant pop ups on a daily basis, sometimes, several times a day. Did you buy and pay for 2 computers? Dont waste your money because they will bug you to death on the second computer until you pay there too.

  • Danielle - Good for the writing section

    I agree with a previous review that this book is pretty good for the writing section. It gives a a lot of helpful tips for better scores on the GRE writing section. However, the quantitative section is not helpful at all, especially if you're getting good math scores already but just want to do better. The verbal section is somewhat helpful but the tips from this book are hard to apply when we're taking the tests under time constraint.

  • Miss Marlie - Ladies, I have found *MY* Cure!

    I have suffered from this horrid affliction, BV, for years. I took flagyl once. Thought that would be the end of it, but it came back within days. It didn't matter if sex was protected or unprotected, and after my period was the WORST! I got it no matter what. One of my *OLD* GYN's said that my partner's ph and my ph "just didn't mix well". LOL. Great diagnosis. At one point, I was wearing tampons every day, even when I wasn't having my period, just so I would NOT STINK!

  • D. Mall - A comedy of errors

    This MCAT review book is decent for biology, general chemistry, physics...but definitely not organic chemistry. I don't know what was wrong with the team in charge of editing this section, but there are a plethora of errors and erroneous diagrams. Don't take what is said in this book as solid truth because you will get those concepts wrong on the mcat. Additionally, there seems to be a problem with kaplan's printing company. On several figures in blue, there are noticeable cutoffs which confuse an H2O for H2C, for example.