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  • Cinthia Rivera - My inspiration for going solo

    this book is filled with excellent information for anyone considering starting their own practice. I've written down many notes and I am working on starting my own law firms in a few months. Thanks to this book I feel confident.

  • Sarah Schelde - Disappointing

    I actually bought this product from a kiosk. My skin isn't too awful, but for some reason nothing I seemed to try would clear up what i did have. So at my wit's end i decided to try Proactiv based on all the positive things i heard. I also wanted to have access to the 60 money back guarantee just in case it didn't work. So with high expectations i began my trial period. As i kept using the product it seemed to me to actually make my skin worse in certian areas and completely strip my face of moisture. It seemed to me that unfortunately this product failed to deliver said promise. Due to reasons i couldn't return the product at exactly the 60 day mark. When i had an opportunity i went to return the product to the same kiosk i bought the product from only to be informed that because i didn't return it on EXACTLY 60 days they could not refund my purchase. Also, there was a corporate rep at the kiosk and he informed us that there was no exception to be made for anyone. I asked for a customer care number, was informed they don't have one and was given another number to call instead. Frankly, in my opinion, this is a scam. There is a 60 day trial period where at the end of said trial i myself no better than i had been before the trial, if a little more worse off. I intend to call the supplied number but i have low hopes of that going very far. I am completely disappointed in the product and also the customer service provided by kiosk and corporate members. I should warn anyone trying this product for the first time, don't do this unless you can have opportunity to return EXACTLY 60 days from purchase. After all the hype from this company and its products i expected better treatment than i received. VERY UNSATISFIED.


    Despite the VERY MINOR problems that various people have described, THIS ONE - THE 2012 RE-MASTER - is the BEST AVAILABLE JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR RECORDING AT THIS TIME. I have listened to it DOZENS OF TIMES for a week - now that I have a set that does not have manufacturing glitches - and the sound is FULL and PRESENT and ROBUST and, I repeat, ALTOGETHER THE BEST VERSION OF THE ORIGINAL BROWN CONCEPT ALBUM AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME. And it does sound great the majority of the time. At times the vocals are so present that they sound as if they are coming from the room itself - not the sound system. THAT IS GOOD RE-MASTERING. This is the best available JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR recording on CD and according to the "liner notes" - due to various circumstances - this is as good as it's ever gonna get. If that is the case then it's not nearly as bleak as it might have been - this set will make you very happy. I am glad we have it! I am glad that is has been re-mastered and it is still a remarkably effective piece of musical theatre.

  • JGrantTAPS - Awesomesauce!

    What can I say, the perfect guide for a Ghostbusters fan! Chock full of goodies, and listings... I seriously am now awaiting the 2014 edition!

  • CivilWarGuy - So far...so Good - As our "secondary" Landline

    We are still a "dual-phone" system family right now. Due to having a small business, we have retained our land-line as a "back-up" in the event one of our employees needs to reach us and our cell phones are "dead", inadvertently left on "silent" or "vibe", or if there is a cell tower issue (rare, but still possible). We had a 2-feature bundle with Time Warner - both internet and digital phone. Prior to that it was AT&T. Both AT&T and TWC ran about $30/month (+-) plus tax for the land-line phone.