www.cinvestav.mx Review:



Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional - El Cinvestav es un centro de investigacion Mexicano de clase mundial creado en 1961 por decreto presidencial. El Cinvestav cuenta con una oferta de programas de posgrado competitivos a nivel internacional. Es un organismo público descentralizado con personalidad jurídica y patrimonio propios. Su director fundador, el Dr. Arturo Rosenblueth, impulsó una exigencia académica que ha resultado en el éxito de la institución.

  • http://www.cinvestav.mx/es-mx/conocenos.aspx Conócenos - Se cuenta con veintiocho departamentos de investigación que se encuentran distribuidos por los nueve planteles a lo largo de la República Mexicana.
  • http://www.cinvestav.mx/es-mx/investigacion.aspx Investigación - En el Cinvestav se llevan a cabo investigaciones en diversas áreas científicas y tecnológicas que permiten elevar el nivel de vida e impulsar el desarrollo del país.
  • http://www.cinvestav.mx/es-mx/investigacion/lineasdeinvestigacion.aspx Líneas de Investigación - En el Cinvestav se llevan a cabo muchas investigaciones originales en diversas áreas científicas y tecnológicas que permiten elevar el nivel de vida e impulsar el desarrollo del país.
  • http://www.cinvestav.mx/es-mx/investigacion/conveniosdecooperacion.aspx Convenios de Cooperación - Durante 2003 se firmaron 26 convenios nacionales de colaboración académica y apoyo mutuo. Asimismo, se firmaron 9 convenios internacionales en el mismo sentido.
  • http://www.cinvestav.mx/es-mx/investigacion/proyectosdeinvestigacion.aspx Proyectos de Investigación - Durante el 2009, estuvieron en ejecución 549 proyectos que recibieron apoyo económico de agencias o instituciones nacionales e internacionales.
  • http://www.cinvestav.mx/es-mx/comunidad.aspx Comunidad - El Cinvestav organiza para usted eventos para toda la comunidad relacionados con el área Académica, Científica, Cultural, Especiales entre otras. Tenemos una amplia gama de conferencias, simposiums y lanzamientos.
  • http://www.cinvestav.mx/es-mx/difusion.aspx Difusión - Para el Cinvestav es de gran importancia darle a conocer las publicaciones y avances de la investigación que se realizan a través de los diferentes medios de comunicación.
  • http://www.cinvestav.mx/es-mx/administracion.aspx Administración - El Cinvestav cuenta con áreas de administración divididas en tres secretarías, Secretaría Académica, Secretaría Administrativa y Secretaría de Planeación.

    Country:, North America, MX

    City: -99.1439 Mexico City, Mexico

  • LTPZ - Okay for the kids

    I like it because my 10 year old wanted it and likes using it. It's all about preference, because I still prefer the typical nail trimmer. Just one thing... We don't know if it's because it's being used on child's nails versus an adults, but contrary to what it says in the instructions, it works better on dry nails.

  • Lisa L. - It doesn't work for me.

    I love their brand of face wash; only their face wash doesn't make me breakout. I also love their eye cream...but this moisture doesn't work for me...it irritated my face, so I have to put it aside.

  • FiveStarGeneral - Worked well, I used it to put my 55" ...

    Worked well, I used it to put my 55" Samsung on the wall, held it no problem. Pay careful attention to the installation instructions, it's a little confusing as to which way the bars fit together and they can be installed upside down (which I did).

  • Lomatium - Green is faster

    I dig the bright green color, its light weight, it works good for protecting your face longboarding and a cheaper alternative than actual longboard helmets on the market. Rogers Bros has clear plastic visors you can buy to fit Bell Drop that fit in the visor screws- recommended for eye/bug protection.

  • Keygoddess - Scam ....

    If you want to use the Pimsleur method to learn a new language, order it from Simon and Schuster. Do not order from Stroll or PimsleurApproach or you will have the same problems as all the others who have called this a scam. When ordered from Stroll, you will get the initial package for $9.95, then you will receive a larger package and will be billed roughly $250 total(over 4 payments) IF you don't return the package within 30 days of receipt. Stroll and PimsleurApproach are giving the Pimsleur method a bad name by tricking people into purchasing more than they bargained for. It's actually a pretty boring method for learning IMHO anyway and it seems to be more for people who are travelling to other countries. I wanted to learn Spanish so I could have conversations with my neighbors, and this is not the way they speak.

  • C. Hulme - Works great

    I've only had my skeeter vac for less than three weeks. It works great, the basket is full and the sticky TacTrap is absolutly covered in mosquitos. I have been able to mow my yard after dinner without being attack. My dogs and I can go out and enjoy the backyard, something we could not do before buying the skeeter vac and its bait etc... I can't believe how fast I noticed a difference, I thought it would be at least a month or more. My neighbor across the street said her yard is really bad this year. We did get heavy rain this spring, prompting me to buy the skeeter vac. I haven't gotten one bite yet. I highly recommend this product.

  • BluesDuke - It lets you make lead sheets or scores so easy to read that a child of five couldn't possibly ...

    Whether you want to write simple lead sheets or complete scores, you won't find anything as user friendly as this program. The simplicity of its navigation and tools is remarkable. It lets you make lead sheets or scores so easy to read that a child of five couldn't possibly miss what you intended. (Now, if only someone would send in a child of five . . . )