uniwebcanada.com.w3cdomain.com Review:


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  • HA in Seattle - It's true. It's all true.

    I thought the other reviewers were just being funny, like this was the Three Wolf Moon Shirt of the candy world or something. No, they're being quite serious. I ate, I don't know, 7 of them? Maybe 9 or 10? Not a lot, certainly not a handful or anything like that. I'm going on 24 hours later and I'm still in my pajamas and working from home... I'll leave the rest of the details out. Fabulous as a laxative or a gag gift, i suppose, and they're very tasty. Otherwise... no.

  • Cstar - They designed the WORST battery compartment

    Omg it arrived broken but I didn't know it until after I had installed the app. They designed the WORST battery compartment. The cover(?) was missing/broken when it arrived and looked as though someone has tried to put the battery in but failed. Ugh

  • TigerMom - Great supplement. I have been looking for a new ...

    Great supplement. I have been looking for a new butt supplement that is more natural and that has more of what I need in one pill versus many different pills. I have only been taking these for couple of weeks but I can tell a difference already. Not in a butt yet but I definitely feel like I have more energy and that I don't have any side effects such as nausea and stomach problems while taking these as I do often with other vitamins I have taken. There is no bad taste or after taste. They are easy to swallow. I received this product at a discount price in exchange for my honest review. Please click Yes if my review was helpful for you.

  • face scientist - If used correctly it is AMAZING!

    I leave product on for 3 ton5 minutes, and I then remove with cotton balls. I know most leave it on, but thebresults that I am getting by doing it like this is incredible. My forehead lines are almost invisible.