

Portal Guará - Agora você tem uma nova alternativa de mídia para se informar sobre tudo: a TV Guará, canal 23 (UHF), canal 23.1 (HD), canal 21 (TVN) e 323 (SKY HD), afiliada Record News em São Luís.

  • Portal Guará - Portal Guará - Mais Lidas da Semana - OPINIÃO: 10ª Feira do Livro de São Luís ameaçada de não acontecer em Política |#ff1744 Ler 467 vezes Acusado de cometer estupro contra criança é preso...
  • Portal Guará - TV Guará - Institucional - Há cinco anos no coração dos maranhenses, a TV Guará chegou plena em responsabilidades, autenticidade e independência. Aqui todos têm seu lugar e o no...
  • Portal Guará - TV Guará - Anuncie aqui - A TV Guará conquistou o telespectador maranhense pela atitude de responsabilidade, de autenticidade e de independência. Conta com uma programação dife...
  • Portal Guará - TV Guará - Fale Conosco - Nome Completo Digite seu nome e-Mail Entrada Inválida Telefone Mensagem(*) Entrada Inválida Código(*) Entrada Inválida Anexo Entrada Inválida Envie su...
  • Portal Guará - MPMA requer afastamento de prefeito por fraudes na merenda escolar - O Prefeito de Pio XII deverá ser afastado do cargo devido irregularidades em licitações para fornecimento de merenda escolar. A Ação Civil Pública foi...
  • Portal Guará - Brasil ganha 3 mil de desempregados em um ano, diz IBGE - O Brasil ganhou 3 milhões de desempregados entre setembro de 2015 e o mesmo mês de 2016, informou o IBGE (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatíst...
  • Portal Guará - Inep divulga canal de atendimento para tirar dúvidas sobre Enem - Responsável pela aplicação do Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio, o Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira (Inep) oferece...
  • Portal Guará - Em protesto, trabalhadores bloqueiam Avenida dos Portugueses - Na manhã desta quinta-feira (27), diversos trabalhadores fecharam a Avenida dos Portugueses, no bairro Anjo da Guarda, em protesto contra contratação...

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  • Amanda M - Uppababy G-lite vs Maclaren Mark II

    I purchased both the Uppababy G-lite and the Maclaren Mark II to compare and wanted to share my thoughts. I was looking for a more lightweight stroller to keep in my car for quick trips and when I wasn't sure if I wanted to lug around my "regular" stroller (the Uppababy Vista, which I love but is heavy to get in and out of the car for short trips).

  • only me - It was a gift and she loves it

    It was a gist and she says she loves it. Games are hard enough to be interesting but not too hard so as to daunting.

  • willk - Not Bad For price

    Like many others, I purchased this being completely done with paying as much as i did for years for the Gillette replacement cartridges. It's absurd.

  • Shorty Sands - Works for me

    This product didn't work right away. It worked after I began taking 4 a day. My back and joint pain have improved 90 percent and I don't remember the last time I had a headache. Not to mention it gave me much needed energy. I am diabetic and have no energy most days. With this I feel normal again. I tried to cut back to 3 pills a day but I started feeling bad again so I'm back to 4 a day. I highly recommend taking the 4 a day and giving it a chance if you can afford it.

  • SheShe's Macha - Good start on series

    I just started the series with this book but I feel I may have missed some of the back story somewhere. Jared and Melissa have tragic family pasts that hint to another book. Maybe I missed something somewhere. Regardless, this story is full of hope for a new beginning and a future for a new race. I'm looking forward to continuing the series.

  • K. switzer - use it for crafts

    I have had this about a year and it works great. I use it to melt beeswax for candles and to heat my soap for soapmaking. The temperature seems to be very consistent on a dial setting, and the cast iron tops keeps the heat even which is great for my crafts.

  • L. Kirk - Ok Performance, but understand its weaknesses before buying

    The Nomad7 and Guide10+ solar battery charging kit is a pretty good product that aims high, but fell somewhat short in performance in my use over a period of several weeks. The kit consists of the foldable Nomad7 solar panel unit with an output pack and zipper pouch, and the Guide10+ batteries and recharger. The thing to understand about solar panels is ... they really need direct sun to work well. If it's bright but pretty hazy, if it's partly cloudy, if you can't get a direct straight on view of the sunshine ... all of these factors impact the recharging times. A partly cloudy day and an off angle for the panels can double the amount of time it takes to recharge the batteries. And in my experience, obtaining optimum conditions is challenging. Read on for a discussion of pros and cons I experienced during my product testing.