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Country:, North America, US

City: -80.9091 North Carolina, United States

  • Canfit - Got a good sweat, but wasn't hardcore

    Descent for beginners. Got a good sweat, but wasn't hardcore. That is what I was looking for though, as this was just an extra to add to my schedule after eating dinner.

  • Susan D. Myers - Nice low impact starter machine.

    I have been wanting a gazelle for years, so I finally broke down and bought one, and for the price, you cannot ask for a better deal. It was easy to assemble, and did not take long to master the balance. It is a nice impact free exercise to do in the comfort of home--i actually enjoy it. It folds nicely, but it is bulky to move around to store, but once again for the price, you cannot expect any more from it. I am fit anyway, but I like being able to maintain while I'm watching T.V. Doing a variety of positions and utilizing the full range of motion makes a big difference. I can hit my target heart rate, and I experienced quite a bit of soreness at first. Like any fitness machine, it is what you make of it, but I am very happy with my purchase.

  • Lauren - Love this game

    Just Dance 2014 is such a fun game if you love music and dancing. And it's actually a good workout too.