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City: -94.566 Missouri, United States

  • 24pants - A very great apocalypse movie if you like John Cusack!

    A very great apocalypse movie! I'm a huge John Cusack enthusiast so this movie was definitely for me! 2012 is heartwarming, and reassuring that not all comes to an end at the end of the world! 2 thumbs way up!

  • Shirley-TX - but I am on day five and it looks like it will last even longer than when I used ...

    I was hoping for the 5-star results others have had, but I am on day five and it looks like it will last even longer than when I used Abreva for a cold sore a few months ago. That one lasted about a week from sore bump to finally healed.

  • (Diana) Books And Coffee Cups - Need me a Gianluca!!!!...5+ Read!!!

    Grey has to be one of my all time favorite authors. I was completely hooked after reading Scoring Wilder!! and from there on it was history. She writes her contemporary romance with such style and class that when I found out that she was writing A place in the sun and that it was Georgie's story all hell broke loose with my excitement. I loved, loved, loved it!!!...Yes 3 loves I mean I could keep going but don't want to go over board...right?

  • Amazon Customer - Unsure

    I found this cream didn't absorb as fast as I'd like and I still find it hard to wrap my head around using a hormone cream available OTC. So this 3 star rating is only because I just don't know. I may try to give it another chance but for now the prometrium and vivelle dot along with a little testosterone gel are working wonders (in every possible way).

  • RixCritix - Roxio has no support

    Don't buy this software unless you can solve any problems yourself. There is no support to speak of. The online support takes 3 days to get a response. Most responses require that you do all the work. The instructions they give are inadequate, incomplete and ineffective. You never get the same analyst twice. They will try to close your problem automatically within 5 days if you don't keep on them. I never got my problem solved. The software doesn't work. You're on your own.

  • Ms. P - Best shampoo ever: great value, non-oily, gentle, repairing shampoo. Classic favorite.

    Terrific shampoo. I've been using Mane 'n Tail for years. People still look at me weird when I say I use horse shampoo on my own hair, but boy does it work well!

  • Kayla - Really excited to see results.

    I have seen people using this method of teeth whitening all over social media. I am getting married next year and I want to find something that whitens my teeth before my big day. I am not patient enough for the teeth whitening strips, it seems as soon as I apply them onto my teeth I get super thirsty and hungry and want to take them off early. I was a little nervous about brushing my teeth with a black product, it didn't feel right. I used a little bit at first to make sure that I didn't have any irritation. Since I used such a small amount the first time around I didn't notice any difference. After not having any irritation with this product I used the suggested amount. I seemed to notice a little bit of difference but I can't be sure. I took some before pictures of my teeth and after I finish using this product I will be uploading them with my after pictures. I am hoping to see some awesome results. I also think that this product has a detoxifying quality because of the charcoal. I will continue using this product.