

Clinical Trials in New Jersey | Atlantic Health System - We conduct clinical trials in a variety of health conditions, including cancer, heart disease, and neurological disorders.

  • About Clinical Research at Atlantic Health | NJ - Atlantic Health System is setting the standards for clinical trial innovation and quality health care in New Jersey.
  • See How You Can Participate in Clinical Trials | NJ - Every clinical trial has specific guidelines about participant qualifications. Search to find clinical trials that are of interest to you.
  • Information for Professionals | Clinical Research | Atlantic - We facilitate & coordinate clinical research activities to expedite study initiation and to ensure compliance with the highest standards.
  • Contact Info | Atlantic Center for Research - Review our clinical trials listings to see more information or contact us by phone.

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -71.1193 Massachusetts, United States

  • Fogerty Fanatic - Save Your Money!!

    Save your money folks. Losing weight still comes down to what scientists have know for decades: burn more calories than you take in and you will lose weight. I went from 242 (on a 6' 1" frame) to 190 in about nine months by simply doing the following: Working out a minimum of four days a week, cutting out bread and refined sugars, replacing bad/processed carbs with fruit and getting fiber from vegatables. One day a week I had a cheat day that allowed me to eat one 'bad' meal, such as pizza (however it was two pieces, not an entire medium pizza as I had done before). Within a week of switching to my new diet, I felt physically much better and found my energy levels to be higher and much more consistent. In addition, my sleep was much better and my wife noticed that after I lost the first 15 pounds, that I quit snoring. No magic pills needed, just consistency and the desire to reach a goal.

  • IamPatSajak - Please read this before buying. I feel foolish for purchasing.

    I purchased this product at the mall yesterday, after a very friendly saleswoman chatted me up. I have bad skin, I'm lonely. I am just the kind of sucker they are looking for. She put the peel on my arm and it seems to peel off skin. In my head I said, it's probably just the product making those "peels" and not my skin. I purchased anyway, as you can barely get away from these people.. but I got out to my car, spread a drop of the product on a flat plastic surface, rubbed and I was right. It's not peeling your skin. The product coagulates and looks like peeled skin. Like Elmer's Glue. I have never been taken so easily and I could kick myself for the whole thing. The bottle that was in the box, has a broken/stuck pump so I can't even resell it on ebay or Amazon to the suckers who haven't figured out the trick yet.

  • JEWELL - Vivo Per Lei Facial Peeling

    This is the most amazing product I have used as a facial peel and I have used a lot. I would recommend it to anyone young or old. I am 63 years old and my skin is thinning so I try to be real careful about products that claim to be gental on your skin but this one is awesome.

  • B. Laue - Avoid petroleum products --use this instead. It works!

    Petroleum distillate rubber conditioners will temporarily soften rubber seals, then turn them to mush over time. Not AT-205 Re-Seal! I've used this in two motorcycles (31 and 27 years old), as well as two cars (a 1996, and a 2003), over two years ago, as a preventative measure. No problems, no issues, other than it helped eliminate one oil leak. I originally found this product in an auto-parts store, for around $7 more than I paid here (minus S/H). Even with the postage fees, this came out to be $6 less, per bottle, ordering three at a time, than I would have paid buying it semi-locally (had to drive to a neighboring town, 40 miles away -- no one locally carries it).

  • nadine schiff - You will LOVE!

    Carole Bayer Sager definitely played my song. Even though she has lived a huge life, her stories of her career, loves, successes and failures are accessible to every one of her readers. She interweaves the history of her songwriting with her emotional trajectory in a very honest and poignant way. Not a false note! You will LOVE!


    UPDATE: figured out what was wrong and decided to keep it. Not the product's fault. There was a defective fuse in my panel.