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City: -80.9091 North Carolina, United States

  • kk2013 - Not For Calendar Making

    I was so excited to download this program and start making calendars for my family for Christmas. I was very disappointed! I'm sure this program is good for something, but not for calendar making. It was hard to learn and it took days for me to put together a 12 month photo calendar. I had to input holidays and events individually using a text box instead of simply typing it into the day. I also had to use different backgrounds on my photo pages because it wouldn't let me use the same one. Once I finally completed it, I went to print it and it wouldn't print 8.5 X 11". It shrunk it to 5X7" and so far I haven't figured out how to change it. I feel that I am pretty computer savvy and this program is awful to try to figure out. I would not recommend this product.

  • Charming - BLU Advance 5.0 unlocked

    This phone works good. It is a version available in December 2015 I bought it unlocked for $60. Then I asked my phone carrier for help in ways of programming it. Once done, this phone comes alive. WiFi, Bluetooth, Play Store, Phone Contacts and many others are installed really fast.

  • BArbara Gibbes - Worst product ever

    OMG!! There needs to be some kind of public warning about this product!! It has ruined my hardwood floors!! I read where somebody mentioned spraying a small area w Clear Rain windex, let it sit for 5 min then scrape w a credit card. As I scraped w the credit card a grey rubbery substance came off my floors. I am almost 70 yrs old and am not able to be on my hands and knees scraping this Rejuvenate goo off my once beautiful floors! This is what all of us r dealing with!!! Worst product ever and they r still selling it!! Call and complain to Home Depot to STOP selling it!!

  • Leighton - WOW!!!! I'M BLOWN AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I didn't own the prior version because I went with the UFC workout,which to me was a huge let down. But any rate, this game is AWESOME. What I love about this game is that you tend to forget that you're working out, it's that good. If you enjoy/hate working out this game is a must!