oratanejourney.tumblr.com Review:


My Accutane Journey - 22 year old female, currently taking 20mg isotretinoin daily. I started on 23 October 2014.

  • http://oratanejourney.tumblr.com/post/118005016870/laser-hair-removal laser hair removal - My Accutane Journey - laser hair removal - Has anyone had this done while on accutane, or shortly after finishing accutane? I’m hoping to get it done, and I’m going to ask my derm about it asap, but I’m so worried...
  • http://oratanejourney.tumblr.com/post/116162824795/some-of-the-things-i-learned-on-accutane Some of the things I learned on accutane - My Accutane Journey - Some of the things I learned on accutane iwantanakedface: “1. Clear skin doesn’t solve all problems, but I no longer go outside and think about how everybody is staring at my acne. I can just go...
  • http://oratanejourney.tumblr.com/post/115876814125/accutane-implanon Accutane + Implanon - My Accutane Journey - Accutane + Implanon So I got the birth control implant yesterday. The doctor noticed my skin and warned me that there’s a chance I will get more acne because of the Implanon… Hopefully Accutane will...
  • http://oratanejourney.tumblr.com/post/114966886505/day-158 Day 158 - My Accutane Journey - Day 158 I’m still taking 20mg / day, despite the fact the dermatologist told me I could drop it back to 10mg / day until I finish my pack. This is because I just want to finish accutane now! This is...
  • http://oratanejourney.tumblr.com/post/114905447035/clearskinfor2015-accutane-is-one-of-the-best clearskinfor2015: Accutane is one of the best... - My Accutane Journey - clearskinfor2015: “Accutane is one of the best thing that’s ever happened to me. ”
  • http://oratanejourney.tumblr.com/post/113664327275/ive-had-a-few-asks-about-my-scarring-so-for I’ve had a few asks about my scarring… so for... - My Accutane Journey - I’ve had a few asks about my scarring… so for those of you who are interested - this is what my skin looks like up close. Hard to say but I think it’s mostly hyper-pigmentation with a little bit of...
  • http://oratanejourney.tumblr.com/post/113326273620/one-of-the-worst-things-about-being-on-accutane One of the worst things about being on Accutane; - My Accutane Journey - One of the worst things about being on Accutane; missacnesblog: “is when people you have confided in about Accutane (parents, friends, significant other, etc) just FORGET you are on one of the most...
  • http://oratanejourney.tumblr.com/post/112488388655/day-130 Day 130 - My Accutane Journey - Day 130 So I went to my dermatologist today to see how everything is going. He said I’m ahead of schedule and my skin is looking good, so I’m really happy about that. But then he said that if I’m not...
  • http://oratanejourney.tumblr.com/post/111425075660/day-119 Day 119 - My Accutane Journey - Day 119 Hey guys… So my skin is skill looking pretty good. I’ve had about 3 small pimples come up over the last ten days (probably hormonal I’d say). I’m seeing my derm in a couple of weeks to see how...

    Country:, North America, US

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  • mundo - waiting for my mats in the salty winter weather

    I ordered my mats a while ago and still do not have them. My car is brand spanking new and the salt is not good for my new carpets. When I FINALLY get my Mats I am sure i will love them. The pair I had on my F150 were awesome and still are 15 years later. Luckily for me they fit in the front of my new Accord until my order gets delivered. I have not heard from the seller after days of contact.

  • Tina - Nice frames

    Cute frames received several compliments on them. Although the tortoise design is very dark, near black. The pricing is great compared to getting them at the optometrist.

  • janean - Perfect for removing peach fuzz on face.

    Love these! Work great for dermaplaning or shaving off peach fuzz. I recommend face oil or lotion for a smoother glide. Will buy again. Look up Michelle Money's, YouTube video for face shaving with these.

  • ich.ni.san - Unpleasant Appearance, a little bit of a headache to install.

    As others have mentioned, the color scheme is really bright and stark and LIMITED. I have a user who has gone as far as dimming her monitor to make Excel and Outlook less blinding. She had no complaints with same monitor and earlier versions of Office. It seems offering a little bit more in the way of color or shade of color choice would be trivial. Also if you are behind certain firewalls, getting the initial download and install started can be problematic. I had to temporarily disable the gateway's antivirus feature. If downloadable 2010 were still available, that's what I would get.