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  • The Garbone - If bleeding persists visit a physician...

    Found this in the stall at the local public restroom. Half the pages were already missing but I found what was left more than enough to accomplish what I needed to get done.

  • Catherine - So Much Fun! You Have To Try These! Great Quality, Easy To Use!!

    With having a disabilty, I am not one to get out much. When I do it is usually to run to grocery store for and item or two or to a small retailer. Somewhere to get in and out without a lot of walking involved. This headset is awesome!! It so happened that when they arrived both of my daughters were here with two grandchildren. We all played and had so much fun! I have never been an avid gamer but I am sure I am becoming one. I have downloaded numerous apps to my Iphone from VR aquarium to Zombie Shooters. They are lightweight at only 263 grams. This headset fully supports a wide range of iOS/Android/Windows mobile phones with screen sizes ranging from 4.0-6.0 inches. Are you looking for daily fun? You will find it in these Floon VR Headset. I received this/these product at a discounted price. I am under no obligation to write a review. The choice was purely my own and I received no additional compensation. It is my hope that this review will help other customers to make an informative decision on their possible upcoming purchase. Also, I hope it will supply important information to the seller to understand any possible existing problems with this product. Everything I have written is my own personal opinion and is based on the quality, performance, and experience I had while use of this product. Feel free to ask me any questions about my review or the product. I will be more than happy to answer to the best of my knowledge.

  • DJA29 - Good information, Interesting Read

    This is a solid Italy guide that is definitely useful to read before your trip. It misses 5 stars because it does not go into the history of what you're seeing quite enough for my liking. Small thing though since this is a travelers book.

  • notaxonAmazoninCA - It was so easy. Been using it a week and no problems ...

    Needed an extender in order to get internet from main house to back house which is about 30 yards away. Could not get a strong internet signal so Netflix would constantly bump me out and occasionally I would lose connection to my laptop. Went to a 'big box' store and purchased a Netgear unit. Could not for the life of me get the thing to work. Now, don't get me wrong, I am by no means a tech savvy 20 year old but I am certainly not a complete novice and I have a dang bachelors degree. I messed around with this thing for 2 hours before finally returning it. Decided to go online to my trusted Amazon site and based on user reviews, ordered this unit on Sunday night at 8pm and it came at 7:30 the next day!!!!!

  • Parola138 - stop poisoning yourself

    I purchased this audible version of this, which is done very well. I've recently read about four books that are similar to this in nature. The other books go on about chemicals I can't pronounce creeping into drinking water and how its not safe to really breathe anymore. I found this particular book to be more intelligent and straightforward than the other books. It is well-written, well-organized and blunt. The whole time I was listening to it, I felt like I'd obtained a 'golden' book that wasn't just some quack doctor rehashing stuff people were saying on the internet. I think anyone would find some useful information in here. This guy is a stranger to you who is putting in your hands very valuable tools to save not only yourself but your family from the ails of modern society. Stop poisoning yourself!

  • Amazon Customer - Great game

    Pretty good gameplay and controls. Some of missions require upgrades that take time to earn money for but over all, very nice game.

  • A. Smith - Color is nothing like the picture...

    The bag itself seems great, but the actual color is nothing like the picture. While this one looks grey on both ends with a brighter purple in the middle, the actual product had a very dark denim fabric on either end, and a much darker purple in the middle. The denim especially wasn't what I expected from the picture, and I decided there was just no way I could use it in a professional setting, so I had to return it. The color of the second one I bought was labeled "granite," and it too was different from the picture-- much darker. I still liked it enough to keep it, but in general, don't trust the pictures on this Amazon listing-- I'd suggest doing some google image searches for the color you're interested in to see what it really looks like.