

Mt Pleasant Dermatology | Serving Charleston and Mt Pleasant | Home - We are a Charleston and Mt Pleasant dermatology practice specializing in medical and surgical dermatology, cosmetic dermatology, acne treatment and skin care products

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City: -121.9886 California, United States

  • Thomas20 - I work construction and I feel like this product helps my focus

    I work construction and I feel like this product helps my focus, I feel like I don't get mentally fatigued as quickly and I'm very impressed with memory lately haha, but

  • Peter Nguyen - Stop Leak!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have a Honda Accord 2010 just only 25,000 miles on it, but the manufactory guarantee just expired the days before I found the my power steering was leaking, so I took my car to the dealer for estimate. He told me I need to have the rack replaced at a cost of $1650. After taking the consideration either replace it or keep fill the oil up every week, and find some way how to stop the leak, I when over amazon and found “Lucas Power Steering Stop Leak” and read over the comment and take a chance to get the 12 oz. after putting the oil in, the first of the two weeks I did not see any result as all the oil still dripping to the ground, I keep filling until the third week and the dripper grand slow down… and stop at the five week. Ahah it worked!!! Now it completed seal!!!!! Save $1650!!!!!!

  • NPFlorida - Be patient it does work.

    At first I thought it was just like any other cream I had bought. I used it a couple of times and stopped. I don't have a lot of patience. I started using it again about a month ago and I noticed my neck was not all chicken neck looking. Sorry no other way to describe. I like that it isn't greasy or smelly. I try to use it everyday but I don't but I'm very happy how my neck looks and will buy again when I'm out.