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  • Amazon Customer - Needs more Math!

    I used this Kaplan PCAT 2012-2013 book as a short review before taking the PCAT in January (I had less than a month, so I had to work fast). Based on the Kaplan Quantitative section, there should have been only a little calculus and nothing concerning trigonometry. Boy was I surprised exam day to have a lot of trig and calculus based questions. The best were the trig functions in differential equations and integrals, something this book touches on NEVER. Seeing as I took calculus about 9 years ago, and trig 10 years ago, it might as well been a foreign language I've never seen before. I was able to get through some of the other calculus questions using this review and the rest of the quantitative section, but the topics not covered in this book hurt my score. A lot.

  • 9696silvana9696 - in tradition

    I love it. It's fifteen years that I buy this calendar. It's representing my tradition. The first time a was living in NYC, now in Rome.

  • Michelle Pardy - Quality and affordable makeup brushes

    As a professional makeup artist I am always on the look out for quality and affordable Makeup items. I love these Premium Kabuki makeup brushes! I am very impressed with the quality of the brushes. I normally use another high end brand and these work just as well as those ones do, if not a little better for some of them. I like the thicker kabuki style makeup brushes so I was happy to find a set that had so many of them together, it's awesome. The brushes feel very nice on the skin and do not tug on the eyes either which is great to help prevent wrinkles. The foundation brush applied my foundation flawlessly this morning and I have absolutely no complaints. These feel very well made and like they will last a long time if properly cared for. They would be a great set for beginners or even more advanced makeup users who want some backup brushes for when they don't get to clean their regular ones. I can see myself reaching for these a lot, they really are great quality and affordable brushes.

  • Shanta R - Patricia Wexler products

    love this product for my face. it makes my face glow and it hydrates it. I know it is a bit expensive but it is worth it

  • Paula Schnirch - saves

    our chrysler 300 came with only one key, i have always carried a spare due to a lockout as teen. this key saved us about $65,compared to the dealer! we still had to have the dealer program the key, and cut the key, but their blank key would have cost more.

  • Melody - Hunter game

    This was a gift for my husband. My family had lots of fun playing this game. Much to my husbands distress, so far it turns out that my 13 year old daughter is the best at shooting in this game.