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Im not sure how well it works on wrinkles, although thats what i bought it for i just started using it 2 weeks ago. I think the finer lines are starting to fade, but it just may be wishful thinking lol. i do know that my face feels amazing after using it. I have purchased a lot of skin care products, and 99% of them have not made my face feel so soft and evened out my complexion like this product does. im not sure if there is a miracle cure out there for wrinkles besides a healthy life style or a face lift lol. time will eventually win in the wrinkle battle though. atleast for now i have skin that feels great, and an even complexion. if it does get rid of wrinkles then thats just a huge bonus. I will definitely order this again and recommend it to my friends.
I started the 24 day challenge 10 days ago this past Sunday. I completed the cleanse phase and Sunday was my first day on the max phase using MNS 3. I am not much for caffeine and usually only drink water so I drink spark at 1/2 the recommended amount. 1/2 scoop to 1 bottle of water. According to plan, you drink spark 30 minutes before breakfast and take the 1st yellow packet of supplements.