medicamentoso - blog de farmacia - blog de farmacia sobre actualidad en salud y recomendaciones sobre medicamentos. Independientes y libres de publicidad.
Country:, North America, US
City: -73.9933 New York, United States
this is the most worthless piece of junk that i have ever bought online. literally tears your nails regardless of what setting it is on leaving them uneven and scraggy. not worthy to be sold on amazon.
This case was exactly what I was looking for to use with my new iPad Pro 9.7. It has a very nice, upscale feel to it and I absolutely love the sleep/wake feature of the cover. The Apple pencil feature holds the device in place securely and is easy to pull out for use. The main housing of the iPad feels secure and puts my mind at ease when traveling with my device. Nice job!
I gave this to my mom after I took the Fertiliform-W products. I saw that this not only gave my mom better clarity and decreased her hot flashes it also helped level out her mood swings.