
Mazatlan Real Estate information and property listings for sale and rent-golf homes, beach condo and lots - Comprehensive Information and Real Estate Listings for Mazatlan homes, Mazatlan condos and Real estate opportunities for sale or rent.

Country:, North America, US

City: -96.8217 Texas, United States

  • Chayla L. - Little to no soreness

    This is perfect for after an intense workout when I know I need muscle repair. I have my bf take these instead of his creatine and he has no more stinky creatine poots. Sorry if tmi but I love how natural and beneficial this is. Hardly any soreness the next day! It's worth the full water belly to take 5 tablets at a time.

  • Bridget Kirwan - Doesn't deliver as orimised.

    As ithers have mentioned, I an an experienced DIYer. I carefully followed instructions and applied the product early last summer. It liooked great all summer abd had a 15 year guarantee. Now, less than a year later, it is peeling up and starting to fade!