

Strona Główna - Podstawowym profilem działalności jest świadczenie usług w zakresie nakładania powłok antykorozyjnych. Posiadamy wieloletnie doświadczenie w nakładaniu powłok cynkowych w procesie cynkowania galwanicznego i lamelarnego.

Country:, Europe, PL

City: 21 Masovian Voivodeship, Poland

  • Candi - taste good but let's see if I can give a 5 ...

    Have only been drinking it for 4 days...taste good but let's see if I can give a 5 stars at the end of 2 weeks. I'm looking to have more energy than anything but would also like to detox and on my way to weight loss...and like others have said, it's healthy which I need!

  • Crystal A Seidel - norton

    I have had this product and have had issues with it. I have uninstalled and re-installed it but it still isnt right. It never completes a scan and using the fix option hasnt worked. I will be buying something else to replace it.