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  • Carolyn Sampson - I am very disappointed in Hairfinity. It did not live up to the hype.

    Because of the glowing testimonials from users of Hairfinity I purchased my first 3 bottles in October of 2015. I can't express how excited and hopeful I was. Since I saw no improvement in 3 months I thought I needed more time so I ordered another 3 bottles. I am now in my 5th month of taking the supplements and there is still no improvement in the condition of my hair. I am highly disappointed in this product and feel it was a complete waste of time and money.

  • maryam - No effect on dark spots; just a daily freshness

    Update// After applying this product every other night for three month, I decided to reduce my rating to 3 stars! It definitely keeps my skin fresh, but has no effect on reducing dark spots. I have shallow spots which usually fade away during winter time, and totally disappear if I use a peeling cream, as I used to apply Clinique cream. But this brand is not effective on dark spots at all! Just a daily freshness to better absorb daily creams.

  • JESSICA H - So far nothing....

    When I spoke to the Carnival Rep he told me that it would greatly help with the water retention which was a major issue for me. He told me to watch what I ate the first month, but I would lose a lot of water weight and then go down from there. I am fairly active, not exercising regularly but chasing after kids, walking where I need to go and things like that. I told him this and he said that was fine, but in month 2 I would need to get regular. Sur no problem. What did I get the first month? Nothing. No change whatsoever. Going into month two now so let's see wha tthe Silhouette has in store with regular exercise. I told him that I didn't have the money to waste and needed confirmation that this would work. And he said if I had ANY issues to email him. Guess what? three emails with basic questions and not one answer. I would not recommend this product to anyone until they researched it more. Yes the people who love this program and works for them. Why? Because they are exercising, eating healthy. Which is what I know I need to do and will be doing. I didn't expect it to be a MAGIC pill, but for the water weight I thought it would reduce it at least by a pound or two, but not an inch has happened in the month.

  • S. Young - Wonderful Program!

    First off I looked up what was new to this version of Painter. It now supports windows tablets as a built in feature. But the big draw to this new version is easily the particle brushes, which you can use if you want to add magic or lighting effects easily.

  • favmom - Great help

    Just got back from Rome (used the pocket book on Rome). This book was great for reading about Rome too, but also other close by places (Ostia) which we visited. Rick Steves does a wonderful job and I couldn't imagine visiting any place in Europe without his book in my pocket! Anyone who travels Europe, for the first time or not, would benefit from his expertise!

  • Melissa G. - National Park Quarters Album, 2010-2021 P&D (Cornerstone Coin Albums) [Board book]

    I think this is a wonderful book! Very good information in it. I like the idea of seeing front and back of each coin thru a clear plastic cover.Definitely would recommend!

  • Amazon Customer - I took the plunge.

    I just today bought the Le Creuset 5.5 qt. French Round Oven in the Flame color. This is a beautiful pot!