
Charity Bank: Ethical banking | Charity loans | Charity Bank - We offer people ethical banking and ethical savings accounts and make loans to charities and social enterprises. A bank that shares your values.

  • Charity Bank: Loans for charities and social enterprises | Charity Bank - A bank that lends only to charities, social enterprises and charitable organisations. Borrow from a bank for good.
  • Ethical savings | Charity Bank - Ethical savings for individuals, charities and businesses. You can save with a bank that will put your money where your values are.
  • Folkestone Sports Centre: an unsung sports hero | Charity Bank Blog - Folkestone Sports Centre Trust is a social enterprise leisure centre whose main goal is to make sport and leisure activities accessible to people who might otherwise struggle to access them for financial or social reasons.
  • Cosgarne Hall: beating addiction | Charity Bank Blog - Cosgarne Hall helps homeless people to take control of their lives, operating an alcohol and substance tolerant policy. Since 2009, ten lives have been saved and last year alone 70 people were supported to live independently.
  • Autism Plus: building a chocolate factory with a difference | Charity Bank Blog - Autism Plus aims to create a unique, vibrant welcoming environment where young people with disabilities can come and have the opportunity to learn how to live more independently.
  • East Lancashire Deaf Society: tools for success | Charity Bank Blog - The East Lancashire Deaf Society (ELDS) is working to build a world where deaf people are accepted as part of a diverse society. Doug Alker, the executive chair and managing director, talks to us about how a loan is helping ELDS to support deaf young people.

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  • JAK in WDC - At Last!

    I am a woman and a blonde, so you can imagine how hard it has been for me to use a pen. I would write and write and have nothing to show for it until a nice man would come by and turn the pen around in my hand so the ink thingy part was on the paper. I just know that with these pens made just for us girls I can finally just pick up a pen and write all on my own. A girl can dream, can't she?

  • Alex Vella - Nothing better than the Hillary Nutcracker!

    Our nuts needed a good quality cracker, this is a wonderful device as well as a great way to be reminded of just how tough Hillary will be to the enemies of America.