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  • I. Fuhrmann - I like the Lift Away feature to vacuum my stairs

    This is the second Shark Navigator Lift Away I've purchased. This one was a gift for my daughter. It's light weight, has incredible suction, and is quiet. I like the Lift Away feature to vacuum my stairs. I also own a Dyson which cost 3xxx what this Shark does, and the Shark is far superior to the Dyson. I highly recommend this Shark to anyone looking for an affordable machine that has excellent performance.

  • John - Always interesting

    It almost doesn't make sense to review one year of this series. It's a lifelong companion, and if you have even a someday plan to get a short story published, then you can never give it up. The introductory essay both by the editor and visiting writer are typically annual bellweathers, although I've been hearing a lot of the same themes in the recent years - technological competition for attention span, maybe it will turn out to be benefit for the form, etc (Hey, Selected Shorts and the New Yorker Fiction podcasts, maybe they're right). Russo's intro this year is a fantastic anecdote about I.B. Singer and worth the price of admission.

  • Jonas - Actually... wife loves it. I haven't used it. But I can say that it is good quality and does what it is intended to do. I have used other Slendertone/BMR products (still do, in fact) and I don't know of any that are better.

  • MARINA - perfect

    I knew this fragrance but I couldn't find it where I live. So, thanks amazon!!!! It's perfect! !!!!right exactly as i expected