

Your Health Keys - Your Health Keys is a go-to source for the latest news, tools and tips to educate and inspire healthy living. We believe health is one of our greatest gifts and are committed to helping others take control of their health for optimum wellness and longevity.

  • News | Your Health Keys - Stay up-to-date with the latest health and wellness news and cutting edge research.
  • Mind | Your Health Keys - Keep you mind sharp and your head clear, with excellent tips and nutritional hacks.
  • Being Barefoot: The Healing Power of the Earth - Experience the benefits of Earthing, or grounding yourself to the Earth in this interview with UNI KEY founder James Templeton.
  • Is Massage the Perfect Prescription for Mental Health? - Beyond relaxation, massage can be a valuable mental health tool to balance your brain and conquer depression, anxiety and insomnia.
  • Save Our Bones! - Build and preserve healthy bones no matter your age with bone strengthening exercise, foods for bone health and ideal bone building nutrients.

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  • Kerry McGill - Loved this book!

    I gave this book a 5 star rating because it absolutely drew me in from the beginning. I loved the main character, Violet. She was a super tough girl who had been dealt a pretty crappy hand. And the development of the society she lived in was amazing. Unlike anything I've read before. I will admit I am a huge Shade fan so I knew this book was going to be good and it did not disappoint. My hope for the second book is to finally give Violet some good in her life. And by good, I hope it's all Viggo. I love me some Viggo! Great job Bella! I will be impatiently awaiting the next book!

  • M.S. - Crashes with almost every function

    Have just started to use Creator 2012. Using it to create and convert personal DVD content from camcorders. Almost every function I have tried has resulted in the program crashing. Unbelievably poor experience so far. Brand new PC, Windows 7 - 64 bit, i5, 16GB RAM.

  • Islandflea - First, I am NOT one of the paid endorsers ...

    First, I am NOT one of the paid endorsers. I have used PCmatic with SuperShield for years on home and business pc's with very few issues. Once in a while it will miss something but since I use multiple programs working in unison AND maintain a consistent backup habit, has been resolvable every time. Bear in mind that NO program is invincible standalone. Considering buying Evergreen. Thanks PCmatic!