Review: Blackmores Institute | Complementary Medicine Research | Natural Medicine - Blackmores Institute aims to further the evidence base of complementary medicine and natural health research.

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  • renee - natural hair loss shampoo

    When I got my shampoo in the mail I ran and shampoo my hair and OMG this shampoo is amazing!!!! My hair felt so clean and the luster was unbelieveable!!! While it was sitting on my hair and scalp i could feel it working!!! Love, love this shampoo!!!! I just can't go back to the old way of shampooing my hair!!!! The second use I notice how stronger my hair was and less hair loss...amazing shampoo!!!!!

  • haley.blackburn - love these so much!!

    This smell like veggies but I'm okay with that, they are big but they have no problem going down as long as you drink something with it. Hair, skin and nails are packed with antioxidants and full of vitamins. They're extremely good for you and you should take them:) I love being healthy and encouraging other to be.

  • Runamuck - Kindy of sticky and stinky

    I really wanted to love this. I have long thick hair that has a lot of wave to it and I wanted a moisturizers and smoothing agent for after blow dry. This stuff does not smell particularly lovely, it reminded me of rancid olive oil and it made my hair sticky almost immediately like I had used baby oil or something similar. I have used leave in oils and pastes before and loved them... but not this one. I ended up giving the bottle away after trying three times to my daughter...she has long curly hair as well and she pitched it after one use. Maybe its just our hair type or we got a bad bottle but this was not a good fit for us.

  • penlight - still going strong after 10+ years

    I used this in med school 10+ years ago now. It was a lot skinnier then. my scribe just got into med school so I bought this for her as a gift. looks more sophisticated than back then. still excellent layout where you can add notes in the margins, lots of spacing. review of books in the back. awesome schematics and pictures.