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City: -80.9091 North Carolina, United States

  • Jason Scott - Go 4 It !

    If you are a fan of Corey Feldman you will love this 2 CD set! Not every song is a hit but it has some catchy stuff on it. I bought my copy when he was at a Goonies showing and he signed it. Lickety Splickety!

  • John - This is an amazing healthy snack

    Recently began a Low Carb, High Protein diet. This is an amazing healthy snack. I am very satisfied with the product, and will order again. Already shared 1/2 the bag with a friend who is diabetic and uses jerky as a snack food as well.

  • Terrance Robinson - Extremely disappointed

    I have never been a big fan of Microsoft products. They are invariable more complex than necessary and less productive that they could be. But my upgrade from Visual Studio 2008 to 2012 has lowered my opinion further.

  • wilco - Freetom Pop is a great backup device

    I have used The Freedom Spot Photon for about a year and it is a great back-up device when I am not near a Wi-Fi or cable internet connection. It was a great companion when I vacationed in Las Vegas recently because the motel I stayed in did not have internet in the rooms . Without the Photon I would have had do go to the noisy casino level to use my tablet on their WiFi. It is also a valuable device to have when I visit my parents in North Carolina since they don't have internet. During a recent storm I was able to use my tablet and laptop even though the cable lines were down. I usually stay within the free 500 Megabyte monthly limit but occasionally I go over that amount. I don't mind paying the extra .02/megabyte charge when I have a need to do more surfing, downloading, and so on. The Spot Photon is much more secure than traditional free WiFi since it is encrypted and requires my unique password.