La sala esplose con la notizia di aumento del seno Pynzar dashi - Pot folosi ulei de nucă de cocos povećana slika dojke pentru elasticitate si marirea sanilor
Country:, Europe, NL
City: 4.8995 , Netherlands
Book is fairly simple to read ( a lot of information is presented but in an easy to read format ), also depending on your specific issue some of it may not directly apply but what does apply is very helpful. Formerly a raw vegan we had been dealing with some serious mineral loss issues seen both in health issues ( me ) and then in things like losing tooth color ( graying/translucent ) and an overall lack of energy this program as layed out in the book has really helped to re start my digestion and begun to heal what was really becoming quite serious health problems for us. Make sure to pay attention to your body, each phase could take different people in a family varying amounts of time based on symptoms ( we had someone in phase one for quite awhile...then they FINALLY had a break through! ).
Verified everything I thought and more. Good look at the levels of corruption within our government. Forefathers must be rolling over in their graves!