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  • http://www.forecast.hu/modszerek/kerdoives-megkerdezes/ Kérdőíves megkérdezés | Piackutatás » Forecast Piackutató - A fogyasztót központi helyen (hall teszt) vagy saját otthonában (home teszt) kérdezzük meg. Reklám, termék, imázs, koncepció tesztelése.
  • http://www.forecast.hu/modszerek/telefonos-megkerdezes-cati-capi/ Telefonos megkérdezés | Piackutatás » Forecast Piackutató - A telefonos adatfelvételt CATI rendszeren keresztül végezzük, a papírt és ceruzát számítógép helyettesíti. Gyors, rugalmas, költségkímélő, megbízható, korszerű.
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    Country:, Europe, HU

    City: 19.0514 , Hungary

  • Soliasi - This is awesome, some tips to add it to your engine

    I'll keep this brief, as there are countless other reviews that have shared positive experiences about this product. I too have had a similar experience, and it has improved the engine performance of my aging Mitsubishi Galant. My vehicle has 212k miles, and is 15 years old (2001). I didn't necessarily have any major issues I was trying to fix or repair, I just wanted to clean things out and prevent something from occurring. I added the fluid via the vacuum line, but when I started this project I had no idea how I was going to accomplish this task. I don't have a shop with fancy tools, in fact, I'm lucky I have tools to do half the shtuff I do. In order for me to accomplish this, I needed a hose, or a drip line of some sort to feed the liquid. My mechanic buddy (doesn't everybody have one of these?) recommended that I get the Berryman B-12 kit (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0002KKIM8/ref=cm_cr_ryp_prd_ttl_sol_4). This kit provided the drip line and attachments to complete the job. If anything, this review is to tell you, get that kit as it will save your Saturday! And be prepared for the biggest mushroom cloud of your life. I thought my car was on fire, I mean seriously, I looked like an old steam engine train going down the neighborhood, I even had a car pull over honking his horn and pointing as if I couldn't tell that I was being chased by the stay-puffed marshmallow man! Car is running very nice now.

  • L. O. - Problems with Siri

    First, the positives: comfortable, sufficient volume that I usually have to turn it down, clear speech in each direction. Works better than others in an open car.

  • D. Howard - Catholic Bible for Kindle

    It is great to have a Catholic Bible for my Kindle White Paper. I am still learning how to use the abbreviations and move quickly around the scriptures. It is much lighter when I travel which is why I purchased the Kindle in the first place. I recommend this Bible for anyone who wants to have a Catholic Bible handy but not have the weight to carry around.

  • L.A.F - Works surprisingly well

    I was a little skeptical about having non-creasing eye shadow after living with that problem for many years but this really cures that! I don't wear a lot of makeup that needs to last more than 6 hours very often, but when I do I always use this as the primer. You just use a tiny bit so this will last me forever. Shake the tube well to mix the creme and oil otherwise you'll get a bunch more oil than you want.

  • Amazon Customer - Wonderful product! I use this as the primary de-chlorinator ...

    Wonderful product! I use this as the primary de-chlorinator for our 40 Breeder tank. Alternately I use API Stress Coat for rinse water after bleaching rocks/plants - the API Stress Coat is about half the price and I can really dose the rinse water to ensure that rocks/plants are chlorine-free before putting them back in the aquarium. Seachem Prime is what I reach for when I do regular water changes, however. Great product, and a staple in my aquarium supplies.

  • joel - hair line crack

    Installed new Spectra CU 1693 radiator and two days later it had a hair line crack next to the upper oil cooler connection. I've been a home mechanic for well over forty years, so I know I installed the radiator correctly. I had to replace it. Amazon was absolutely great in sending a replacement immediately and in providing a pre-paid return label so I could send the defective one back to Amazon.

  • Allen D. Reinecke - I would upgrade to 2010, but...

    I have used Acronis True Image since version 6. However, customer support has now effectively disappeared, and customers have to rely on a self-help support forum populated, it seems, only by other users. Oh, there is support, but only for 1 MONTH after you pay good money for the software!