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Country:, North America, CA
City: -73.5747 Quebec, Canada
I had never been to Ikea before, but have friends and family who swear by their beds. So, I took a chance on this one, having liked it in the store.
And that's what I paid at Walmart for my copy of the deck. It plays well, and is the 'best' of the 2013 Commander offerings, in my opinion. The reason for the expensive price is one of the rares "True-Name Nemesis" is in high demand in the secondary market (for "Legacy" tournament events). The TNN card alone goes for $20-25 leading to speculators buying up the deck to resell singles for profit. It also has "Baleful Strix" worth $4-5, "Sol Ring", and the interesting Commanders.
I've been using this product now for about ten years and can't see doing my hair without it. I have fairly short hair and also color it. This product even helps with thick hair (which I have) because it gives it weight with body. Without this product by thick hair just wants to lay and kind of go flat. Using this, I'm good to go for days and nights until I'm ready to wash my hair again. I even use it to perk up my hair when it just kind of lays together. Give it that great texture for great styling. Can't imagine ever doing my hair without it. And I love the smell. The girl who cuts my hair tells me my hair always smells so good. Can't beat that when it's due to be washed and yet still has that great Kenra smell. Whether your hair is thick or thin, give it a try and add some real body to your hair.
I was initially concerned about buying this ball. I had read good things, but was unsure if I could like this ball as much as the Molten Pro Touch. I played with it the other day for the first time and immediately noticed how easy it was to pass, set, and hit. This is a hitters ball! The other thing you immediately notice is how easy this ball is to see and how well this ball floats and sets - no more bad sets! This ball is softer than the Pro Touch/Super Touch yet it plays just as hard. It feels like genuine leather not "plasticky" like I've read in some reviews. The group I generally play with is a diverse group of players and not a single person (from AA to near terrible) complained about this ball. If you are on the fence about this ball, take the won't regret it.