

Nutrologia: O Que os Médicos NÃO Te Dizem ou NÃO sabem - Descubra algumas verdades sobre a medicina e como você pode se beneficiar disso. Aprenda como a nutrologia pode mudar sua vida com mudanças simples.

  • Treinamento Físico: Guia Simples e Definitivo - Você sabe quais os exercícios físicos mais eficazes e rápidos? Descubra neste artigo como malhar com inteligência e fortaleça seu corpo.
  • Encontrar Médico Nutrólogo - Encontre aqui um médico atualizado e de excelência perto de você. Marque uma consulta e comece a mudar para uma vida saudável.
  • Livros de Medicina Recomendados - Lista dos livros de medicina indicados para quem deseja melhorar a saúde. Descubra também temas obscuros da medicina e os segredos da longevidade.
  • Livro - A Verdade Sobre os Laboratórios Farmacêuticos - Jornalismo no - A Verdade Sobre os Laboratórios Farmacêuticos com as melhores ofertas de Livros no Pontofrio. Aproveite!
  • O que os Melhores Médicos tomam para NÃO adoecer? - Saiba a importância de suplementar para uma saúde excelente. Baixe gratuitamente o ebook 7 Suplementos Essenciais Para Uma Vida Longa!
  • Reeducação Alimentar - Guia Simples e Definitivo - Veja aqui como se alimentar bem. Um guia simples baseado em estudos científicos para você deixar de acreditar nos mitos que existem por aí.

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  • Guitar Bob - The WORST

    This is the WORST software ever. It does not even install on Win 8 and there is no meaningful support. Do not buy this!!

  • lemmi - amazing results but DON'T use too much touch-up paint!!

    used it and was impressed by the results... except that the instructions are very vague on how exactly to use the touch-up paint on deep scratches. The thing is (and I learned this the hard way :( ) that after sanding you should just put a few drops of paint and re-sand IMMEDIATELY afterwards (I mean 1 minute max!). The paint is simply there to give a bit of pigment to the area where the primer is revealed so the polish can "work" with it, NOT to cover the scratch itself. Personally I applied a thick layer of touch-up on the scratch and wated for it to dry... it turned out that once it hardened I couldn't sand it to be nice and level so I ended up with a big ugly mark where the scratch used to be, actually it is now more visible than the scratch before! However, I tried the right technique on other scratches on my car (just put a little bit of paint and wet sand it off immediately afterwards) and the product did indeed do miracles. OK, results aren't 100% but I'd say about 90% which, given the price and ease of use is pretty awesome. Of course, if you're the kind who spends every sunday washing their car by hand and admiring the job afterwards I guess you won't find the product is up to the job but for us regular Joes who just take their car to a car-wash every once and then when it's too dirty then this is more than satisfactory. But please Quixx, be more explicit in the users manual on how to use touch-up paint!!

  • M. Smith - A must read!

    I can believe this book got some poor reviews. The book had so many twists and turns and was consistently interesting. The main characters aren't that lovable, but you are still rooting for the safety of the baby. There were definite surprises and intermingled characters, who all have a past they are trying desperately to hide. One little misjudgment causes a whirlwind of excitement and tension to keep you hooked. I ate up this book in two days because I was anxious to see what happened next. Would definitely read more books by this author if they are anything like this one. Very well written and thoroughly thought out!

  • Tania - it sticks together nicely like wet sand

    Daughter loves to play with it; it sticks together nicely like wet sand, but is messy like all sand. Best used in a non-carpeted, non-upholstered furniture area.

  • Amazon Customer - I would definitely recommend this product

    I was so skeptical to try this product at first but I decided to go ahead and give it a try. After using this product for a month I noticed the difference. Before I started I measured my butt and it measured 39 inches, after about a month my butt was 41 inches. What I did was to take a warm shower before applying the cream, to open up the pores. Then I applied a dim shape amount to the butt, then I leave it dry a bit before putting on any clothing. I would definitely recommend this product.

  • Pam Gilligan - Difficult To Negotiate

    This particular version is more difficult to get started than the previous years. My granddaughters struggled with the selecting of particular songs because the software has changed from previous versions. I wish I hadn't purchased it now. Will read reviews in the future.

  • S. D. Smith - Best book I've read in a long time!

    Seriously the best sci-fi I've read in a long time. Great characters and just enough plot twists to keep me guessing. Well written!