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    City: 6.1833 North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

  • Ken M - Snake repellent

    I tried this product because I was have a terrible problem with snakes in my fish pond. Went from about 75 to 7. Put the repellent down between the creek and the pond. In two days I had two large (2.5 to 3 ft) brown water snakes and one copper head. It seemed to attract snakes rather than repel them.

  • Gary - Great Product

    Actually you have to put this in the freezer for 10 minutes in order to remove the paper from the sticky trap. It works great on all the insects that are a nuisance

  • Martin - GREAT product! I was skeptical, but it worked.

    A friend recommended SHREDZ to me and swore that it helped her lose weight. I was quite skeptical, as I've tried countless other supplements and so-called "miracle workers," but I ended up seeing little to no results. Nonetheless, I decided to give SHREDZ a try. I've been gaining too much weight lately, and I was desperate to lose it before attending a friend's wedding. Lo and behold, it has worked! Within just a week of taking it, I began to notice some improvement, and It only got better from there. Of course, I worked out and ate right while taking it. In the past, though, I also worked out and ate right, yet never saw the kind of positive results that I'm seeing now. I don't get jittery or have mood swings like with some other products.

  • Amazon Customer - IdealShape is by far the best tasting weight loss products on the market

    IdealShape is by far the best tasting weight loss products on the market. The drink mix is easy and convenient and fairly inexpensive compared to everything else. I tried a bunch of different brands and this was hands down the best tasting - and about 1/3 the price.

  • A. Gross - Simple and effective

    I've been using Kasperski for about 18 months now. It seems to be effective and runs in the background without bogging my PC down, unlike McAfee did. I read some horror stories about the renewal process, so I just bought the newest version off of Amazon when my previous subscription ran out and had no problems installing the latest version, I was even able to transfer the license to my new PC, with no hassles at all.

  • Michael Cleveland - Happy Recurring Customer

    This is my second intelliArmor for the Nvidia Shield Tablet (dang Nvidia recall). Anyways, like the last one I bought the set up and kit provided are phenomenal.