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  • Christie Q. - Though the smell isn't my absolute favorite, this lotion is super hydrating and it does ...

    Though the smell isn't my absolute favorite, this lotion is super hydrating and it does bronze you nicely and quickly in an indoor bed!

  • Travelin Mama - Positively the best eye cream I've ever used

    Positively the best eye cream I've ever used. It keeps the puffiness at bay and hydrates and refreshes the eye area magnificently. And for a 65 year old woman, that's quite an accomplishment.

  • Just Me - Good Overall, So-So Changes

    My last experience with a Peachtree accounting product was the 2010 version. Their new Sage 50 2013 has encountered several drastic changes; while I do enjoy the redesign, I'm afraid I don't find all of their changes acceptable-even moral, to a point. In the past, payroll tax information could be entered manually. You had the option of paying for their automated service, but were not required to do so in order to enable the tax charts. In this version, you must pay for their automated service. If you're not willing to pay, your tax charts will not operate. If you're looking to pay one upfront cost you may want to look elsewhere. Otherwise, I find this update very worthwhile.

  • Lisa Carter - It really is all that!

    I didn't think a somewhat reasonably priced blender would be able to make smoothies and hummus, but it handled chunked (two inches long by an inch wide) raw carrots with no problem. My new favorite kitchen appliance!