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  • James A. Moye - Wen PW 31 3100 PSI POWER WASHER A Great Buy

    Love it. My fence looks like it is brand new. Powerful, strong, using it for cleaning everything. Cars, patios, fence etc. Love extra length of the washer hose, a big plus and the start up, which is nearly automatic.

  • parsc - Great program.

    I've had more fun with this program than a body ought to be allowed to have. With it's many unique tools and array of brushes, etc., there seems no limit to what can be done. Intuitive, a full toolbox, and great fun to use. Highly recommended.

  • Madeline M. - DO NOT BUY THIS SCANNER!

    I am writing this review to inform of my poor experience with the Neatworks desk scanner and with the Neat Company customer service and tech support departments. I sent this same review to the Neat Company today as a letter to their executive office. This poor experience resulted in my calling today to return the scanner and I will be looking into purchasing a Canon or Fujitsu scanner for my home office/ home business needs.

  • ShopaholicMommy - Better than the rest!

    I highly recommend this to mom's. My son had a bouncer, swing, rock n play, and some other thingy. He didn't like ANY of them. This was his favorite. It sways just like when I hold him. We didn't ever used the sounds that came on it, but I did plug in his iPod so he could hear familiar songs.

  • KATHLEEN ENGLISH - Guaranteed to Disappoint

    This book is junk, did anyone even look at it before it went to print? it looks like it was written by someone that doesn't speak English. "Stacking rings" are part of a baby's first vocabulary? On what planet? Does anyone say"telephone" anymore? Will the baby say "stuffed animal"? Has this guy ever been around babies? Its a shameless attempt to make money with no redeeming value except to the writer.

  • J. Freitag - Rick Steves Spain

    Rick Steves is, well, Rick Steves; pretty consistent and accurate in his evaluations. I have used his France, Italy, London, Austria and Germany books and found his style to be consistent, his evaluations accurate (mostly) and his travel style right on with mine. It is important that you find an author whose style matches your own. People consistently staying in 5 star accommodations, frequenting 3 star Michelin restaurants and leasing Mercedes with drivers should probably find another author.