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Country:, Europe, UA

City: 34.1372 Dnipropetrovska Oblast', Ukraine

  • Tradersuzy - Not Effective

    This item did not deliver. I sprayed it on my entire driveway to remove mold and mildew. It has been six months since I sprayed and I see absolutely no difference in the condition of my driveway. It is also very expensive.

  • K Bear - Always keep a bottle of good Tea Tree Oil Handy! This is the bottle for you!

    A good tea tree oil can be used for many many ailments or skin problems. My mother uses it for just about everything so I must keep a bottle handy in the event we need it. Tea tree oil is applied to the skin (used topically) for infections such as acne, fungal infections of the nail, lice, scabies, athlete’s foot, and ringworm. It is also used topically as a local antiseptic for cuts and abrasions, for burns, insect bites and stings, boils, vaginal infections, recurrent herpes labialis, toothache, infections of the mouth and nose, sore throat, and for ear infections such as otitis media and otitis externa.